You^nth Leader of  May

You^nth Leader of May– Sankalp Suman

Role: International climate advocate & National youth icon
Country: India

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You^nth Leader of the Month May : Blog

Full Name

Sankalp Suman

Job Title

Deputy Head- Sustainability & Climate Strategy, ISMA

Key highlights of your career and academic journey

Been involved in climate campaigning from early childhood · Educated as Environmental Engineer from Delhi Technological University · Ran a start-up called “OffsetGo” working with various public and private institutions for carbon project development, transparent carbon trading and capacity building · Set up and heading the department of Sustainability & Climate Strategy at ISMA

Key achievements as a young leader

· National Youth Icon for Environment · Indian Youth Delegate to COP 28 · Climate Solution Champion- Institution of Engineers, India · Winner at Harvard Project for Asia International Relations (HPAIR)

Lessons learned as a young leader

There is no replacement for knowledge, arm yourself to the teeth with education. · Climate change is not just a scientific phenomenon, it impacts is impacted by all kinds of human activities and therefore never forget the human face of the crisis while doing your work · Listen to people, read between the lines, understand the levers that make the world move but are not talked about- use it for your work.

Top Tips for aspiring young leaders

· There are no leaders of tomorrow if there is no tomorrow, you are the leaders of right now, don’t wait around for gray haired men to give you power, earn it and take it. · Always be honest with your work, take ownership and responsibility for everything you do- right or wrong, don’t be afraid to make mistakes, learn from them and be better.

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