Frequently Asked Questions

Depending on the type of  training course you wish to pursue, our prices vary per package and are catered to students and young professionals separately. We endeavour to provide full transparency and as such all prices are displayed on the website with a short description of what to expect from each course. Please refer to the ‘Services Offered’ section for further details.

Our mentoring sessions are catered individually for students and young professionals as per the specific needs of these youthful phases. They are delivered by a practiced leader who will be your coach for the allotted hour. They can help you with a range of services like- resume reviews, university applications, leadership queries, career counselling etc. The first session is complimentary for all! Please refer to the ‘Services Offered’ section for further details.

 Money is important for all especially when we are starting young and minimal on funds. The Leading Youth has designed its courses bearing the financial constraints of the youth in mind. Consider this as an investment towards a transformed version of your future self. The course/mentoring fee has a compounding effect just like any other financial investment that will reap benefits with patience and persistence. We will be collecting your feedback throughout the course to improvise our service and ensure every penny’s worth for you. You can also reach out to us with any questions ahead of starting for further assurance on your decision.

You are fully capable of grooming yourself and accomplishing your evolved self. With clarity of thought, determination and confidence in action, you are sure to lead the path to success. However, it may take you much longer to do that by yourself or to cultivate the necessary level of self-awareness without the guiding hand of a practicing young leader. Amidst the daily responsibilities and distractions, we can help to keep you on track by being your sounding board, a gentle nudge or a pat on your back- whatever it is you are looking for, as you embark on your academic or professional transformative journey. A leader grows with its people and we are here to elevate you to new heights of success. This is your chance to invest in your future self!

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